Post 6: Online and Offline Authority in Shaping Meme Messages
Kirsten Jacobson Kirsten, Aguilar's work regarding genres and frames provide a very good frame through which to analyze my collection of memes, especially in regards to the role of authority. The genre that seems to be most prominent throughout my collection is that of religious figure memes. In a good majority of the memes in my collection, the person of focus in the image is either a monk dressed in traditional robes, or a depiction of Buddha himself. This image of a meditating male figure in robes is the overall genre that is presented through this collection of memes which would suggest, and is supported later by other frames and factors, that the memes present an overall positive and rather serious tone of peace and living a life of simplicity. To continue this blog post in regards of Aguilar, there is not only a clear genre throughout my meme collection, but also a very precise frame that seems to be presented repetitiously. That frame is that of pr...